The Dancing Monkeys

I have always loved to dance. My family doesn’t like dancing or people who dance. When I’m alone I will dance, but when I’m around my parents I never dance. I have always wanted to be a professional dancer, it’s my family who stands in my way of completing my goal. I grew up with my parents and my older brother, my parents searched for food and run and leap through the trees. My brother used to love dancing, but my are very strict about dancing. I have never realized why though. I finally learned why. Before I was born I had another brother. He was a famous professional dancer, he train and dance for seven hours a day. Since he was dancing for so long, there was an increased risk of stress fractures and many other injuries. He had many injuries and had lots of stress, he ended up having a stroke. This is the only reason why my parents never let me and my brother dance. I never got to achieve my dream of dancing, but I’m still trying to find a new dream.

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